Monday, April 13, 2009

Misc. Pictures....

Okay everyone.......We are terrible at updating our blog. As you can see, it's been about 4 months (pathetic....I know), but we're attempting it now, so bear with us on the lack of organization and the weak photo comments. Here it is........well, some of random order.

This is Makenzie with her little German twin friends, Laura & Marie, from preschool. They have a little playdate together once a week & they love to dress up!

Makenzie being a good big sister and sharing her ice cream cone...
Gone too soon!

Kevin and I went to a rollerskating birthday party for Kamaile Heidi. It was a blast. Happy Birthday Kamaile!

Then to the Children's Museum in Seattle.....We forgot to take pictures on the actual fun stuff. Sorry girls.

With the twins at the park... They totally love each other & play great dispite the language barrier. Who needs to communicate anyway when you can just laugh, right?

Makenzie and Hailey in one of their "best friend" moments. I'm afraid best friends or enemies is their only relationship descriptions....besides sisters. They really do love each other & they're really cute together when they do.

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